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About us

Meet our Trustees

Our board of trustees use their unique skills, knowledge and diverse experiences to govern Women Who Can (CIO).

Floral tribute spelling 'Dad', reflecting on personal stories that shape Women Who Can’s mission.

A Source of Inspiration...

My experience of the 'working world' initially inspired me to create a cause that supports women to overcome employability challenges. But then I thought, why stop there? I should use both my own and other women's experiences to truly help women gain a wide range of skills in different areas of life, from practical home repairs to enhancing employability and learning to build self-confidence. This led to what Women Who Can is today - a charity focused on empowering young women in Leicester and Leicestershire through practical life skills and community support.

Trustees of Women Who Can share a joyful moment, symbolising unity and leadership.

Navigating adulthood...

Fast forward to 2023 - I had graduated, was now married and in my mid-20s with a different outlook on life. However, I was still trying to figure out my place in the world. I met so many incredible women from different backgrounds while navigating the beginnings of adulthood, and I was surprised to learn that many of them experienced similar hurdles in life due to being a woman. Although it was comforting to know that I was not alone as we could support one another, it was alarming to understand the gravity of the challenges that young women face in various aspects of life, both personally and professionally. I knew more needed to be done, and it was time to collectively take action.

The founder as a graduate joyfully celebrates her success, embodying the educational aspirations Women Who Can supports.
The founder as a graduate joyfully celebrates her success, embodying the educational aspirations Women Who Can supports.

A Life-Changing Moment...

Sadly, in 2016, my dad suddenly passed away. As a teenager who's life had drastically changed, I now found myself in a position where I needed to take on responsibilities that were once my dad's domain. I wasn't fully prepared as my dad used to handle all of the tasks typically seen as 'men's work'. I had to try and learn how to do things that were commonly associated with men, like maintaining my car and doing DIY tasks around the house. During this time, I learned the importance of self-reliance and the power of knowledge.

Floral tribute spelling 'Dad', reflecting on personal stories that shape Women Who Can’s mission.

Join us as we write our next chapter!

We're more than a charity; we're a way of life. We're here to empower young women, to help them discover their strengths and learn skills they never thought they needed. It's about growing together, supporting each other, and breaking down barriers.

Join us on our journey of empowerment and endless possibilities, and let's write the next pages of our unique story together. 

Our Purpose

We exist to support and guide young women through life, encouraging them to be confident and resilient members of society. Our vision, mission, and values guide us in everything that we do.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower young women in Leicester/Leicestershire through a supportive environment that encourages growth and discovery. We inspire them to become the architects of their own futures and to lead fulfilling lives.

Our Vision

We envision a future where all young women have the opportunity, support, and knowledge to confidently achieve their goals.

Innovative Thinking

We are open to change and come up with new and creative ideas to solve problems and explore new possibilities.

Collaborative Community

We work together in a supportive space where we share ideas and encourage each other.

Knowledge-Driven Empowerment

We grow through learning and sharing information so we have the power to make the best choice for that moment.

Proactive Resilience

We focus on being ready for challenges that might come our way, and learning how to bounce back from them.

Ethical Transparency

We work openly and honestly, using safe moral standards, and take responsibility for our actions.

Our Values

Our Story

Take a few moments to understand the backstory of Women Who Can (CIO) including the inspiration behind the idea, from the viewpoint of our Chair and Founder, Sadé Paul-Henry.

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